- 50 g Butter / margarine
- 25 g Gula pasir
- 15 g Kuning telur (± 1 butir)
- 100 g Tepung protein sedang
- 100 g Cream cheese
- 100 g Bella Spread Chocolate
- 25 g Butter
- 100 g Susu cair
- 5 g Maizena
- 15 g Gula halus
- 50 g Telur ayam (± 1 butir)
- Lemon Zest secukupnya (selera)
Baked Chocolate Cheese Tart
Tart Dilapisi Coklat dan Keju? Nah kamu coba buat deh.
- 150 g Butter / Margarine
- 200 g Gula halus
- 200 g Telur (± 4 butir)
- 150 g Tepung terigu protein sedang
- 50 g Susu bubuk (tambahkan jika suka)
- 10 g Bella Cocoa powder
- 4 g Baking powder
- 100 g Bella Dark Compound (dilelehkan)
- Bella Spread Chocolate
- Bella Spread Cashew Nut
Cashew Nut Chocolate Cake
Dari bentuknya saja sudah enak banget kan? Cara buatnya cukup mudah lho.
- 10 g Cake Emulsifier
- 150 g Gula pasir
- 350 g Telur ayam (± 7 butir)
- 4 g Baking powder
- 50 g Maizena
- 150 g Tepung terigu protein sedang
- 25 g Bella Cocoa Powder
- 25 g Gula halus
- 75 g Butter/margarine (dilelehkan)
- 500 g Bella Dark Chocolate Compound (dipotong kecil-kecil)
- 500 g Fresh cream
- 50 g Glucose/Madu/Gula pasir
- 100 g Chocolate glaze
- 300 g Whipcream
Chocolate Gateaux
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